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Help us with this Survey | Crowd Motivation

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Help our friend Nathalie Hubschneider in her research! 

Crowdfunding is currently revolutionizing the financial sector: Its growth rates are impressive, and its funding volume is expected to surpass venture capital this year. However, most crowdfunding platforms are displaying low success rates of less than 50%. Consequently, researchers and practitioners are trying to understand the success factors of crowdfunding campaigns, searching for ways to improve success rates. In this context, it is interesting to analyze the factors that motivate backers to support crowdfunding campaigns. Currently, we are analyzing the drivers of crowd motivation across two types of crowdfunding projects: reward-based crowdfunding (projects providing a non-monetary return for the money provided, for example on Kickstarter, Indiegogo,...), and lending-based crowdfunding (credit-like projects based on a repayment of the crowdfunding sum, such as microfinance projects, Prosper,...). Everybody having supported reward- or lending-based crowdfunding in the past is invited to participate in the survey, which takes roughly 10-15 minutes.

Link to the survey:

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