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Digital Autonomy Award 2022

Digital Autonomy Award 2022 Digital Autonomy Hub

The Digital Autonomy Award promotes innovative, digital solutions that contribute to a reflected and self-determined handling of data, devices and applications. The price is announced by the Digital Autonomy Hub in cooperation with iRights Lab, Wikimedia Germany, the Foundation Digital Chances and the Foundation New Responsibility. Its main objective is to create a broader audience for new ideas.

Who can participate?

Invited to apply is everybody interested – no matter if already a venture, iniative or just as individual. A special focus lies on young, innovative founders.

What is the timeline?

Applications can be handed in until 7 December under

What is the rewarded?

Beside publicity and the award itself free travel and participation on two important fairs in the data scene is part of the price: the INFORMATIK2022 conference in Hamburg and the Mensch und Computer 2022 in Darmstadt.

Learn more about the award on


  • University of Mannheim
  • Institut für Mittelstandsforschung
  • Gründerverbund
  • ESF
  • Europäische Union
  • Baden-Württemberg - Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft
  • Absolventum