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Startup Lounge #49 - understandAI

Startup Lounge #49 - understandAI

After Spring Break we dive right back into our event series. In Startup Lounge #49 we proudly welcome The startup provides the training and validation data for autonomous cars to reliably and safely navigate the world.

Their advanced capabilities include segmentation and bounding box annotations for LiDAR and video, with specific meta-attributes and instance IDs for object tracking. By applying specialized AI technology and continuous quality improvement to accurately and quickly annotate millions of images, accelerates production of the ground-truth required to make autonomous driving a reality. is headquartered in Karlsruhe, Germany and has offices in Berlin and San Francisco. Their engineers have relevant experience gained at innovative companies such as BMW, Google and Mercedes-Benz.

Please note that Fairprotein was previously announced for Startup Lounge #49. Due to a last-minute important appointement, Fairprotein had to cancel at short notice. We are more than happy that Marc Mengler, founder of, was very flexible (initially assigned to a later Startup Lounge) and is now set for Startup Lounge #49, taking place on April, 10th.

Your first time to the Startup Lounge?
The Startup Lounge is your place to get inspired to create something new, to discuss great ideas while hanging out with cool people and to meet startups, students and creative minds in a laid-back atmosphere. Join us if you are into startups and want to build a network in the Rhein-Neckar area. As usual, the first rounds of drinks are on us.

Join the Facebook Event!

Date & Time: April 10, 2018 from 7:30 pm

Location & full address: Cafe L3, L3 9, 68161 Mannheim

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