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Thursday, 19 November 2015 11:01

Startup Lounge #22 - MisterTrip

The Startup Lounge is your place to get inspired to create something new, to discuss great ideas while hanging out with cool people and to meet startups, students and creative minds in a laid-back atmosphere. Join us if you are into start-ups and want to build a network in the Rhein-Neckar area!

The inspirational speaker will be Michael, the founder of Mister Trip, a Mannheim-based startup offering an online marketplace for tailor-made travel.

Join the event on Facebook!

When? Wednesday, November 17, 7.30 pm

Where? L3 Coffee Lounge, L3,9 Mannheim 

Powered by Osborne Clarke - the first drinks will be free!

Published in Startup Lounge
Wednesday, 18 November 2015 11:29

Spaces Left: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 2015 Day 2

UPDATE: There are a few spots left for the second day of the Bootcamp 2015! Find the signup Form at the bottom of this article!

The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp prepares you for starting-up your own business and entering self-employment. This exciting initiative is open to all interested entrepreneurs and nascent entrepreneurs in the Rhine-Neckar region. It constitutes an exclusive insight into the real life challenges of successful entrepreneurs and will also be equipped with essential business plan, finance, marketing and other topics in a dynamic and interactive environment.

Note that the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is held in German language.

Das ultimative Gründertraining: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 2015

Sie haben Lust, sich selbständig zu machen bzw. ein Unternehmen zu gründen? Das Entrepreneurship Bootcamp ist ein interaktives Intensivseminar zu allen Themen rund um die Gründung. An zwei Tagen treffen Sie auf Gleichgesinnte, Experten und Gründerinnen und Gründer, die ihre Erfahrungen und ihr Wissen mit Ihnen teilen. Unten finden Sie den vorläufigen Ablaufplan.

13.11.2015 (Tag 1), Ort: Mafinex Technologiezentrum, Julius-Hatry-Str. 1, 68163 Mannheim
09.00 -10.00: Die Gründerverbünde stellen sich vor
10.00-14.00: Business Model Canvas / Lean Start-up Approach (Referent Dennis Steininger)
12.00-12.45: Mittagspause
14.00-17.00: Design Thinking - Business Design People
ab 17.00: mögliche Teilnahme am Start-up Weekend

20.11.2015 (Tag 2), Ort: Mafinex Technologiezentrum, Julius-Hatry-Str. 1, 68163 Mannheim
09.00 -10.30: Rechtliche Grundlagen einer Gründung (Referent Dr. Tilo Jung)
10.30-10.45: Kaffeepause Praxisvortrag Stork&Fox
12.00-13.00: Mittagspause
13.00-15.00: Fit durch den Steuerdschungel (Referent: Stefan Baumann)
15.00-15.15: Kaffeepause
15.15-17.30: Businessplan und Finanzierung (Referent: Dennis Steininger)

Ob Vorträge zu steuerlichen und rechtlichen Aspekten, Tipps zur Erstellung von Businessplänen und zur individuellen Finanz- und Vorsorgeplanung, Wissenswertes zur Venture-Capital-Finanzierung oder interaktive Workshops zur marktorientierten Innovation – das Bootcamp beleuchtet die verschiedensten Facetten, die mit dem Schritt in die Selbständigkeit verbunden sind.

Gemeinsam mit dem Startup Weekend Rhein-Neckar steht das gesamte Wochenende vom 13.-15. November im Zeichen der Startups.

Und auch das Networking kommt nicht zu kurz: Die Pausen bieten genug Raum, spannende Kontakte zu knüpfen und ein eigenes unternehmerisches Netzwerk auf- und auszubauen.


Die Teilnahmegebühr beträgt 60 €, inkl. Catering. Studierende und wissenschaftliche Beschäftigte zahlen 30 €. Für die Teilnehmer des Startup Weekends Rhein-Neckar ist der Eintritt am ersten Tag (13.11.) des Bootcamps frei. Der zweite Tag (20.11.) kann zum ½ Preis hinzu gebucht werden. Bei Anmeldung bitte Startup Weekend Teilnahme angeben.


Das Entrepreneurship Bootcamp findet in deutscher Sprache statt.


Sie haben Fragen zum Entrepreneurship Bootcamp? Kontaktieren Sie uns: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Die Anmeldung ist bis Montag, 09.11.2015 möglich. Bitte senden Sie hierzu eine E-Mail an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. inklusive der unten stehenden Informationen (Sie können den Text kopieren und in die E-Mail einfügen): 

Gründungsidee (falls vorhanden):
Straße und Hausnummer:
Status (Studierender/Wiss. Mitarbeiter/Absolventum/Keine Zugehörigkeit): 

Tuesday, 27 October 2015 01:00

Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 2015

The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp prepares you for starting-up your own business and entering self-employment. This exciting initiative is open to all interested entrepreneurs and nascent entrepreneurs in the Rhine-Neckar region. It constitutes an exclusive insight into the real life challenges of successful entrepreneurs and will also be equipped with essential business plan, finance, marketing and other topics in a dynamic and interactive environment.

Note that the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is held in German language.

Das ultimative Gründertraining: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 2015

Sie haben Lust, sich selbständig zu machen bzw. ein Unternehmen zu gründen? Das Entrepreneurship Bootcamp ist ein interaktives Intensivseminar zu allen Themen rund um die Gründung. An zwei Tagen treffen Sie auf Gleichgesinnte, Experten und Gründerinnen und Gründer, die ihre Erfahrungen und ihr Wissen mit Ihnen teilen. Unten finden Sie den vorläufigen Ablaufplan.

13.11.2015 (Tag 1), Ort: Mafinex Technologiezentrum, Julius-Hatry-Str. 1, 68163 Mannheim
09.00 -10.00: Die Gründerverbünde stellen sich vor
10.00-14.00: Business Model Canvas / Lean Start-up Approach (Referent Dennis Steininger)
12.00-12.45: Mittagspause
14.00-17.00: Design Thinking - Business Design People
ab 17.00: mögliche Teilnahme am Start-up Weekend

20.11.2015 (Tag 2), Ort: Mafinex Technologiezentrum, Julius-Hatry-Str. 1, 68163 Mannheim
09.00 -10.30: Rechtliche Grundlagen einer Gründung (Referent Dr. Tilo Jung)
10.30-10.45: Kaffeepause Praxisvortrag Stork&Fox
12.00-13.00: Mittagspause
13.00-15.00: Fit durch den Steuerdschungel (Referent: Stefan Baumann)
15.00-15.15: Kaffeepause
15.15-17.30: Businessplan und Finanzierung (Referent: Dennis Steininger)

Ob Vorträge zu steuerlichen und rechtlichen Aspekten, Tipps zur Erstellung von Businessplänen und zur individuellen Finanz- und Vorsorgeplanung, Wissenswertes zur Venture-Capital-Finanzierung oder interaktive Workshops zur marktorientierten Innovation – das Bootcamp beleuchtet die verschiedensten Facetten, die mit dem Schritt in die Selbständigkeit verbunden sind.

Gemeinsam mit dem Startup Weekend Rhein-Neckar steht das gesamte Wochenende vom 13.-15. November im Zeichen der Startups.

Und auch das Networking kommt nicht zu kurz: Die Pausen bieten genug Raum, spannende Kontakte zu knüpfen und ein eigenes unternehmerisches Netzwerk auf- und auszubauen.


Die Teilnahmegebühr beträgt 60 €, inkl. Catering. Studierende und wissenschaftliche Beschäftigte zahlen 30 €. Für die Teilnehmer des Startup Weekends Rhein-Neckar ist der Eintritt am ersten Tag (13.11.) des Bootcamps frei. Der zweite Tag (20.11.) kann zum ½ Preis hinzu gebucht werden. Bei Anmeldung bitte Startup Weekend Teilnahme angeben.


Das Entrepreneurship Bootcamp findet in deutscher Sprache statt.


Sie haben Fragen zum Entrepreneurship Bootcamp? Kontaktieren Sie uns: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Die Anmeldung ist bis Montag, 09.11.2015 möglich. Bitte senden Sie hierzu eine E-Mail an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. inklusive der unten stehenden Informationen (Sie können den Text kopieren und in die E-Mail einfügen): 

Gründungsidee (falls vorhanden):
Straße und Hausnummer:
Status (Studierender/Wiss. Mitarbeiter/Absolventum/Keine Zugehörigkeit): 


Venue: Universität Mannheim, Fuchs Petrolub Hörsaal (O138)

Meet Tim Schmitz and Alessio Avellan (Jodel App) in our Founder Talk on Tuesday, September 29. 

How Jodel started and operates

Learn how Jodel founded their company and started operating in the US, how they approach the German market and what their next features are going to be. Tim and Alessio have a lot of entrepreneurial experience he will share during the Founder Talk.

How to become a (berlin-based) entrepreneur

Both speakers have completely different backgrounds, chose different careerpaths and finally still ended up in a digital startup. They will shed some light on how different decisions on studies, internships and working experience might help (or not help) to find the right (startup) job.


What Jodel is all about?

  • We are an online community that gives you a live feed of what’s happening around you.
  • In real time you’ll see recent Jodels (posts) and interact with other users without exposing your personal information.
  • Share every thought within seconds with your surrounding area while keeping your anonymity and control by up/down voting the other users’ Jodel what’s hot or not in your community.
  • Collect Karma points and become a master of jodeling!

Don't miss this great opportunity! If you are interested in first hand startup experience and the opportunity to even work at Jodel during one of the next semesters don't miss this talk!

Seats are limited! Please get your ticket via Eventbrite!

Eventbrite - Founder Talk with Tim Schmitz (Jodel App)

7.30 pm        Founder Talk of Jodel
Afterwards  Get-Together and Opportunity to talk to Jodel
See you on Tuesday!
Join us on Facebook and on MCEI!


Published in Founder Talks
Wednesday, 10 June 2015 15:50

9th Open Innovation Forum Mannheim

The departemnt of economic development, the MAFINEX e.V. and des MAFINEX Founder Initiative Entrepreneur Rhein-Neckar e.V. as well as the  Graduate School Rhein Neckar are hosting the 9th Open Innovation Forum.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015, from 5 pm.


MAFINEX Technologiezentrum, Julius-Hatry-Straße 1

The Keynote will start at 5.30pm and the motto of the forum is "The new rules of the game in business - what we can learn from other industry sectors". Axel Liebetrau, management consultant, entrepreneur and columnist, will open the forum.

After fruitful discussions you can network at the  „get-together“

Attached you will find the detailed brochure. If you want to sign up you can do this via e-mail:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ref: Open Innovation Forum.

Published in Events

The Entrepreneurship Group Rhein-Neckar and Griesl-Training offer a basic training for negotiation techniques.
We help you develop your skills based on the idea of the Harvard concept. It will introduce the 5 steps that will lead you to successful negotiations and better results. These results will be beneficial for both negotiation parties and directly applicable in your work environment.

When? June 18, 2015, 9am-5pm

Where? MAFINEX-Technology Center, Room C4, Julius-Hatry-Street 1, 68163 Mannheim

How to apply? Via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For further information please check the attached information sheet.
The workshop will be held in German.


Design Thinking and Innovation – made like Silicon Valley

"Innovation can be systematically managed if one knows where and how to look."

‒ Peter Drucker, Professor of Management (Harvard Business Review, June 1985)

Everyone is talking about innovation management. But what does it mean to be innovative? Is it a random process or are there methods and tools that can help to generate new ideas?

How do I take an idea to a new business model, product or service? Which impulses or activities are required to forward the development of my idea?

In this workshop you will learn many tools that can help to systematically generate innovation. These methods include context map, progression curve and janus cones.


  • methods, techniques and starting points to generate innovation
  • which impulses are required to realize innovation
  • how to prevent innovation backlog


  • Managers from marketing, sales, R&D, F&E controlling, innovation management, project- and productmanagement
  • students and alumni from the GSRN

When? Saturday, June 13, 2015, 10am - 1pm

How to apply? Please check the attached application form (which is German, but the workshop will be in English)






Published in Events

Venue: MAFINEX Technologiezentrum, Julius-Hatry-Straße 1, 68163 Mannheim

Meet Benedikt Franke (Helpling GmbH) in our Founder Talk on Wednesday, May 6. Learn how they expanded across 12 countries in 12 months. Being the COO of MyCityDeals and Head of HR at Rocket Internet, Benedikt has a lot of entrepreneurial experience he will share during the Founder Talk

  • About Helpling: 
  • Helpling is a dynamic startup company headquartered in the heart of Berlin. It took the founders, Benedikt Franke and Philip Huffmann, less than 80 days to bring their idea to market. In April 2014, Helpling launched in Germany and, two months later, the new online service was already available in Austria, France, Sweden and the Netherlands. Today Helpling is available in more than 150 cities and is the most widely-available platform for home cleaning.
Don't miss this great opportunity! If you are interested in first hand startup experience and the opportunity to even work at Helpling during summer don't miss this talk!
6.00 pm        Grab something from the MAFINEX-BBQ before the talk
7.30 pm        Founder Talk of Helpling GmbH
Afterwards  Get-Together and Opportunity to talk to Helpling
See you on Wednesday!
Join us on Facebook and on MCEI!
Published in Founder Talks

On Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Dr. Tamara Carleton, lecturer at Stanford and CEO of the Innovation Leadership Board, gave a talk on
"The Silicon Valley Spirit", the mindset that leads to the creation of a large number of Silicon Valley companies every day.

Petra Höhn, Head of the Graduate School Rhein-Neckar opened the talk with a short introduction about the connection between the GSRN and the founder culture of Silicon Valley. If you are interested in their innovative certifications (CRM, Business Development and may more) you can check their coursework here.

Tamara Carleton gave a general introduction into the geographic location, historical background, entrepreneurial role models and companies from the Valley. Since the founding of HP in 1939 the Valley has generated more and more companies in a growing number of markets. At the same time the local universities Stanford and Berkeley were able to globalize their network, maintain and spread their idea of teaching.

According to Carleton, the major differences between other places and the Valley are the focus on the solution of problems and the open minded networking attitude connecting people from different backgrounds, companies and institutions.

If you want to learn more about the approach, especially for corporate innovation, the ILB has published an innovation-playbook. Another very interesting concept Tamara Carleton has developed is a mobile application called LeadXNow. It offers short introductions to topics of Product Management, Service Design, Engineering Foresight, Business Modelling, Design Sprints, and more.

Published in Events

On June, 08 at 5.30 pm a talk on the UG(haftungsbeschränkt) and the classic GmbH will be held by Morsbach Sommer Rechtsanwälte.

The talk will be held in german at the MAFINEX-Technologiezentrum, Room B3 and the following program (german) has been issued:

Die UG (haftungsbeschränkt) und die „klassische“ GmbH sind bei Unternehmensgründungen beliebte Gesellschaftsformen. Das Gesetz sieht zwar einige zwingende Regelungen bezüglich Kompetenzen, Rechten und Pflichten von Geschäftsführung und Gesellschaftern vor, erlaubt daneben aber einen weiten individuellen Gestaltungsspielraum. Insbesondere die Satzung ist daher nicht nur Pflichtdokument bei der Gründung, sondern kann durch eine geschickte und rechtssichere Ausgestaltung viel dazu beitragen, die internen Abläufe der Gesellschaft effektiv zu gestalten. Hierdurch können Konflikte und daraus resultierende Beeinträchtigungen für das Unternehmen vermieden werden.  

The talk is free of charge, but a registration until June 3, 2015 to Mr. Matthias Henel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is required.

Further details can be accessed via the attached pdf.

Published in Startup Support
Page 3 of 4


  • University of Mannheim
  • Institut für Mittelstandsforschung
  • Gründerverbund
  • ESF
  • Europäische Union
  • Baden-Württemberg - Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft
  • Absolventum